7 Days Detox Diet Plan For Weight Management And Cleansing Up Of Your Body

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id="mod_22627584">What is Detoxification? Why do we need to Detoxify?
Are you the one, who has the tendency to overindulge during festivals, weddings, or any kind of parties?

Have you been eating a lot of junk food recently?

Have you been feeling bloated, sluggish, lethargic, heavier, or sleep deprived?

Do you suffer from frequent mild headaches or skin problems?

Do you have problems in losing weight?

Then, this article is just right for you. Your body seems to be telling you,-----


Sometime, or the other, we all tend to overeat, or eat the wrong kind of food. Normally the food, which we love to eat, can and does lead us to the above mentioned symptoms.

What is Detoxification?

According to Wikipedia, ‘Detoxification is physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances, from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by liver.'

Detoxification is a cleaning up process, which works towards eliminating toxic materials from our body. Our body has its own natural cleaning up system.
Detoxification is a process, which has been practised since time immemorial, and has special method mentioned in Ayurveda science.
It's all about removing and eliminating toxic materials from the body, and giving the body the much needed rest. Detoxification involves eating healthy food of nutritional value to rejuvenate, so that you feel energised, and your immune system becomes stronger.
It also means removing impurities from blood, liver, lungs, intestines, skin by means of urinating, sweating etc.
A Detox diet is a dietary plan, where the follower has to avoid certain foods, and consume certain food items, so that the blood, and the vital organs naturally cleanse themselves by the biological process.
Our body becomes a storehouse of excessive fat, carbohydrates, the harmful components of processed food, alcohol etc., after overindulgence of food. A detox diet clears up the acid accumulation and inflammation, if any from our body.
Detox is essential for our body, from time to time.

What is Detoxification, source: YouTube

Eat Plenty of Fresh and Green vegetables for detoxification | SourceFresh and Green | Source

Manage Your Weight By Detoxifying--How To Detoxify?
Many ways to detoxify, have been suggested by health experts. However, we must fully understand our individual system, and the limitations, before embarking upon a Detox plan. The best person to advise is the doctor, or an expert nutritionist. Because the process has to be followed slowly, and sensibly, to achieve the maximum benefits.

Eliminate All Toxins

The purpose is to get rid of toxins created by Alcohol, Cigarettes, Coffee, Refined Sugar and Salt etc. Eliminate them altogether, or gradually.

Avoid Stress

If the mind is stressful, the body will release stressful hormones, which do not in any way, help in achieving good health. These stress hormones lead to adrenal rush, which in turn leads to large amount of toxins, thus slowing down the detoxification process.

One must learn, how to avoid stress, and it can be done so by practising Yoga and Meditation.Yoga not only relaxes the body, it also relaxes the mind. Any physical activity, or work out, for at least 30 minutes to one hour, is helpful in this regard.

How Does The Detox Plan Work:

1. The detox plan gives rest to the body, especially the internal organs, and this can be done by means of fasting,

2. Stimulates the liver to drive away the toxins, so that they are eliminated from the system by skin, kidneys, intestines, and also improves the circulation of blood.

The body has an organised cleaning up system, and all this happens naturally.

3. Eating healthy food is important to refuel, re-energize, and rejuvenate.

Green and leafy vegetables are good for detoxification | Source

How to detox your body, Source: YouTube

Do you follow Periodical Detoxification Diet Plans? Yes, I do No, I don’t think, it’s required Sometimes[# See results]

The Lemonade Diet | SourceFresh is Healthy | Source

What are the Different Types of Detox Plans?
Different types of Detox diets have been suggested by health experts. Choose the one which suits you the best.

Some nutritionists suggest a 7 day detox plan, while others suggest 3 to 4 days plan, depending upon individual needs.

Some even suggest 30 days detox plans.

♣ The lemonade diet:

For three whole days, one has to sip lemon juice, or lemon tea.

This leads to removal of processed fats from the system, and even makes you to lose weight. The problem of bloating is also solved by this diet.

♣ All vegetable and fruits diet:

Eating raw and unprocessed food, whole, and fresh fruits, in small portions for a period of 7 days.

Fresh fruit, vegetable juices, and barley water can also be taken.

Choose from watermelon, carrots, cucumber, papaya, beetroot, cabbage, broccoli, sprout salad, flax seed, and so on.

The purpose is to include lot of fibre to ease the cleaning up process.

♣ Water diet:

Many people go for a water diet for eliminating toxins from the body. But it's difficult to sustain the plan.

This is as good as fasting, and should be followed only under medical supervision.

7 Days Effective Detox Plan:

This is an easy detox plan to follow and can be followed for 5 to 7 days. After the plan is over, one should continue to eat sensibly, which means to avoid the wrong foods and eat the right ones.

On awakening-

One glass of lemon juice, or lemon tea.


One scrambled egg, one small portion of non starchy vegetable, and barley water.

At mid morning, which is around 11: 00 a.m.

One whole fruit, such as an apple, or an orange.


One piece fish, non shelled type, boiled, or grilled.

For vegetarians one slab home made paneer, or cottage cheese. A bowl of salad made with fresh fruits, vegetables, and a glass of barley water.

Tea time-

One whole fruit, and green tea, or lemon tea or mint tea.


Same as lunch.

How often detox diet should be followed?

Normally, health experts suggest detox diets should be followed, twice or thrice a year. But it's wise to consult the doctor, before starting any plan, as individual needs may differ.

There is flexibility in the detox plan, and one can choose alternative food item, if the mentioned food is not available.

These detox plans have been tried, tested, and found to be effective. Many Ayurvedic doctors, or Naturopathy clinics ask their customers to follow these detox plans periodically, in order to maintain sound mind, and body.

Important to include in the detox plan:
Will power, Self restraint, and lot of Patience,
10-12 Glasses of water, Exercise for at least 30 minutes, and Eight hours of sleep as part of your detox plan.
Disclaimer, and a word of Caution:

A detoxification program is generally safe, but should not be followed by ----

Pregnant women,

Nursing mothers,


Elderly people

Diabetic people,

and people suffering from any chronic ailments.

In all cases, consulting with your family physician, or nutrition expert is the right, and safe thing to do.
Health is wealth--Take Care!

Chitrangada Sharan

References for further reading:

What is Detoxification? —[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]by Alexis Mabury22

[ ][ ][ ]by Christopher Peruzzi6

[ ][ ][ ]by John Mark96

[ ][ ][ ]by Nikolic Predrag27

Popular[ ][ ][ ]by Margaret Minnicks0

[ ][ ][ ]by dhannyya16

[ ][ ][ ]by Nagatang3

Do you follow a Detox diet plan occasionally? Please share in the comments section.
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sendingAUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
13 months ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Nithya, for your visit and comments.
Glad to know that you liked the article. Yes, you are right about the will power. But, thinking about the benefits of detoxification, we should do it periodically.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a wonderful day.

Nithya Venkat 
14 months ago from Dubai
Interesting and informative article about detoxification. Detoxification rejuvenates the body and keeps us healthy. I think I will need a lot of will power and restraint to follow a detox diet.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
23 months ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Peggy for reading and appreciating the article!
Yes, detoxification is required at regular intervals. I am happy that you found this useful.
Summer fruits are quite appropriate for this.
Appreciate your kind words and continued support! Thank You!

Peggy Woods 
23 months ago from Houston, Texas
This is such a good idea. I should do this now when all the fresh summer fruits like watermelon are in abundance. Thanks for the reminder of how good these cleansing diets can be for the body.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
3 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Ann810, for reading and commenting on this article!
I am glad that you understand the necessity of periodic detoxification for all of us.
It is a good idea to do it at least once a week to remain healthy.
Melons are excellent for this purpose.
Thanks and have a good day!

3 years ago from Sunny Cali
Another informative article. I like that you mentioned that the body has the ability to heal itself, and detoxing is necessary to help clean the body. I notice you mentioned watermelon to assist with detoxing. I aim to detox for one day every week with melons such as: cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and watermelon.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
4 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you chandradarsh, for reading, commenting and following!

4 years ago
Very useful information

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
4 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you manatita, for your kind visit and comments!
I am glad you liked this hub and will follow sometime. Its the toxins in our body which make us feel tired or fatigued. Therefore it is advisable to detoxify by choosing a detox plan that we find most suitable to us.
Thank you and have a good day!

4 years ago from london
Nice plan, solid advice, good food and cautionary advice. I support that. I like the water idea. Still, I need some more strength. Indeed I'm about to lie down for a while, and it's only 14.46 hrs here in London. Informative Hub. Much Love, Chitrangada.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
4 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Patsybell, for such a generous appreciation!
Perhaps its the teacher in me that makes me write this way. My students would often tell me that we don't need to read the book once I had explained them some topic. That's talking too much about myself!! I am sorry.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Have a good day!

Patsy Bell Hobson 
4 years ago from zone 6a, SEMO
I learned a lot from this Hub. You can take a very complicated subject and clarify it for the average reader.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
5 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi Neha!
Thanks for your kind visit to this article.
Lemonade is 'fresh lemon juice', mixed with water. You may take warm water. Sugar may or may not be added in the juice, according to individual choice. You may also replace the sugar with a teaspoonful of honey.
Therefore one serving will be 1 glass of warm water+ juice of one medium sized lemon+ 1 teaspoon honey.
Hope that helps! In case you need further clarifications, I would be glad to help.
Thank you!

5 years ago
Please explain lemonade diet in detail?

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you KoraleeP, for your kind visit and positive comments!
I am glad that you liked this hub and found it useful. I often follow the Lemonade detox plan and its very effective.
Thanks and have a good day!

Koralee Phillips 
6 years ago from Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Great Hub. I love all the ideas you have and different detox plans. For some reason I'm really attracted to the Lemonade detox.
I also really like the point you made that our bodies become store houses. Its sounds kind of gross, but true.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and giving us some practical tips we can use right away to become healthier.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you sangre, for reading this hub and sharing your views.
It's a good idea to do a detox occasionally. You just have to make up your mind. Three days detox diet will be good to start with.
Thanks for your votes and comments!

Sp Greaney 
6 years ago from Ireland
I keep meaning to do a detox, but I never get around to it; It's interesting to read about detoxing as it is not something I know much about. This is a very good hub.
I must get around do doing one eventually even if just a short one. :) Voted up.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Denise Handlon, for your kind visit and positive comments!
I am glad you liked this hub and it is useful to you. Thanks again for your vote, support and share!

Denise Handlon 
6 years ago from North Carolina
I'm glad you wrote about this subject. I've been contemplating doing a detox diet recently and these suggestions all make sense, plus they help with the specifics of the diets, such as length of time. Thank you!
I loved all of your food photos-very inviting! UP/U/I and shared.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you joedolphin88, for your kind visit and positive comments!
Glad you found this hub useful!

6 years ago from north miami FL
So very important for the body, you have some great tips here. Truly a wonderful read and diatbot.simplesite.com something we should all do for ourselves from time to time.

AUTHORChitrangada Sharan 
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thank you Sanjay Agarwalji, for your kind visit and wonderful comments!
I have no doubts that you are a happy and healthy person, judging by your sensible and thoughtful diet plan and food choices.
This is truly a perfect health guide for each one of us to follow, in order to remain healthy and fit even when we are aging.
Many thanks for your insightful comments!

Sanjay Agarwal 
6 years ago
I am 59 years of age/172 cm/59 kgs & have been practicing the above since 2009 coupled with 45 min brisk walk and 15 minutes Abdoer twist daily
[ Sanjay
Sanjay Agarwal
6 years ago
My Detoxification Diet
1. Arjuna for Muscle Regeneration. My eyesight was 2.75… 2 years ago, now it is 1.75...
contains Co-Enzyme 10 NEEDED BY EVERY CELL IN OUR BODY. Made from Bark of Arjuna tree
2. Lasuna for Chlorestrol GARLIC
3. Shallaki for Joint pains- anti inflammatory/analgesic & lubricant contains Boswella GUM-RESIN
4. Ashwagandha (Plant) for general well being/stress/anti cancer (it is known as Indian Ginseng) & vitality
5. Tagara or Valerian root at bedtime for sleep and nerve tonic.
1-2 capsules daily. After taking any three of the above you don’t need to take Vitamin supplements
I also take fresh cucumber juice (with 12 Basil or Tulsi leaves) for skin/hair + fresh tomato juice everyday...rainbow diet...(again for skin/anti-ageing/anticancer) A tomato has a more complex DNA than a human being.
As per Ayurveda the human being has evolved to follow the sun and your lunch should be 7 course. As the sun is at the highest You must take a fats (oil/butter in moderation) as it is necessary in transportation of vitamins & for transmission of electric current in nerves. Dinner is lentil-Spinach soup + fresh cheese (100 gm twice daily- (noon & dinner) for proteins) at sunset.
Himalaya herbs are pure … vacuum dried and packed in chlorophyll capsules unlike juices that contain preservatives. Do not take herbs that are boiled as the efficacy decreases by 90% eg Basil Tea. I have controlled all the vital factors like BP, cholesterol, HDL, trigylicerides etc to normal with the above.
Ageing is a breakdown of immunity...the body is attacked...so even if we have a cold we may lose some weeks of our lives...with cancer maybe few years and so on.
All the above are antiageing, anticancer and good for the skin and general well being.
You will start feeling healthier in ~ 3 weeks. I have been taking the above since 2009.
Best regards,
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi Tom Schumacher!
Thanks for reading this hub and your appreciative comments! I have tried Lemon Detox plan several times and it has worked for me and I hope it will work for you too. My best wishes and thanks again for your support!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks prasetio30, for your visit and kind comments!
I am glad you found the information useful. Thanks and have a good day!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi Mekenzie!
Thanks for visiting this hub and your kind comments! I am glad you liked the hub and the suggestions.
Thanks and have a good day!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi rebeccamealey!
Thanks for reading this hub and your lovely comments! I wish this Detox plan works for you, as it has helped others.
Thanks again for your appreciation!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Welcome back, Audrey!
I am thrilled to see you, again visiting this hub! I hope this plan works for you. But since you are Diabetic, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
My best wishes and many thanks!
Tom Schumacher
6 years ago from Huntington Beach, CA
Lots of useful information. Until now I had never heard of a lemon detox plan. This looks interesting because I like the taste of lemons and am always in search of other opportunities to detox. Thanks! Voted up.
6 years ago from malang-indonesia
Very informative hub. I learn many things from this hub. Thanks for sharing with us. Voted up :-)
6 years ago from malang-indonesia
Very informative hub. I learn many things from this hub. Thanks for sharing with us. Voted up :-)
Susan Ream
6 years ago from Michigan
Great info. here for detoxing the body. Love the pictures and various plans.
Rebecca Mealey
6 years ago from Northeastern Georgia, USA
Wow! These are intriguing ideas. I am sure a day or two of these ingredients would be safe and helpful as a cleanse. I would like to try it!
Audrey Hunt
6 years ago from Idyllwild Ca.
I'm back again to review your wonderful information on detox. I will probably go for the lemon diet if my doctor approves. I am diabetic and I am old :) Thanks and blessings to you. ~ Audrey
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi MarleneB!
Thanks for your visit and continued support. Lemonade detox plan is my favourite too. Thanks and have a great day!
Marlene Bertrand
6 years ago from USA
These are all easy to follow plans. I like the lemonade detox plan. I believe it really works. Also, I like to eat kale every day. I didn't realize it was great for detoxifying. Thank you for the research you've done on this topic. It is really helpful.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks CharronsChatter, for your visit and appreciation!
Karen Robiscoe
6 years ago from California
all of this makes such good sense. I am inspired to detox right now!! :)
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
6 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi Nadine May!
Thanks for your kind visit and lovely comments. You have contributed some great hubs at HP. Thanks for the Follow as well.
Nadine May
6 years ago from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
What a great Hub. I'm new at Hubs and if I'm not careful I can spend my whole day reading terrific articles and not get any work done.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks manatita44, for reading and commenting!
7 years ago from london
All very green and very good. A great HUB
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks Crisp, for reading this hub and your wonderful comments.
You have a very good habit of drinking water and that too with lemon. If a person eats healthy food and avoids junk food along with plenty of water, that itself is good for detoxifying.
I am glad you found the hub useful-Thanks!
7 years ago from Sky Is The Limit Adventure
Good healthy hub. I used to fast when I was living in Bahrain and I know it really helps. Maybe I should do it again. It's been some time. However, I have a good habit of drinking 20 ounces of water every morning soon as I wake up and just before I take a shower and then another 20 ounces after taking a shower. Then I'd have my water with lemon constantly specially if I'm flying. I know I'm not completely detoxing but the habit of drinking water feels great specially one with lemon. Very useful hub. Thanks.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks Toytasting, for reading this hub and giving your positive feedback. I am glad if this article motivated you to start your Detox plan. Little bit of determination will give you great results. You may start with one day, then three days and then a week.
Good luck and thanks!
Toy Tasting
7 years ago from Mumbai
Chitrangada, this is a great hub. I have tried to start a detox plan many times. However, I find it really difficult to follow the plan for a week. This hub has motivated me to start the detox process and keep up-to it. Thank you for sharing this!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks vespawoolf, for reading this hub! I am glad I reminded you for doing something good for your health.
Vespa Woolf
7 years ago from Peru, South America
I have followed all of these detox plans at one time or another. I think it's time to try it again! Thank you for all your helpful suggestions, also the reminder to have willpower, self-restraint and patience. Thanks!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks tillsontitan, for reading this hub and your comments! You are right, 'water detox plan' may adversely affect the health. I have tried other plans and they work wonders.
Truly appreciate your feedback and vote up!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks DDE, for your visit and appreciative comments!
Mary Craig
7 years ago from New York
You have approached this subject in a very sensible way. As you have pointed out the "water detox plan" is difficult and probably not very healthy. I'm sure we can all benefit from a few days of detox as we tend to fill our bodies with lots of things that aren't good for us.
Voted up, useful, and interesting.
Devika Primić
7 years ago from Dubrovnik, Croatia
A beautifully presented Hub on How To Detoxify An Effective Detox Plan, I so agree with you our bodies need detox and your points are most useful.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks uzma shaheen, for your visit and positive comments! I am glad you found the hub useful and informative.
Uzma Shaheen Bhatti
7 years ago from Lahore,Pakistan
very interesting and informative hub.thanks for sharing such valuable information.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks point2make, for your visit and appreciation! I am glad you found the information useful and interesting.
I am sure the Detox plan will be beneficial for you.
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks vocalcoach, for reading this hub, sharing, pinning and tweeting! I am glad you found it to be useful. I took the pictures, while shopping from the local vegetable market.
Thanks for voting up!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Hi Anamika! It feels great to have comments from you. You are right, we need to detoxify periodically.
Glad you liked the reminder!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks Nell Rose, for reading this hub and words of appreciation! It means a lot to come from a celebrated writer, like you.
Thanks for sharing!
7 years ago
A very interesting and informative hub......well done and thank you for the great suggestions. I believe I would like to try one of the methods. Getting rid of toxins is a great start to good habits and good health.
Audrey Hunt
7 years ago from Idyllwild Ca.
I voted up, useful and interesting. You have given some good choices here for detoxification. The photos of the green vegetables are excellent and make me hungry :)
Shared, pinned, tweeted~
Anamika S Jain
7 years ago from Mumbai - Maharashtra, India
This hub reminded me that it's quite some time since I have done a detoxification. I don't mind going into a raw food diet for a week once in every 6 months.
Nell Rose
7 years ago from England
Great hub ChitrangadaSharan, we all need to detox occasionally and your ideas are spot on, wonderful! voted up and shared, nell
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks billybuc, for reading this hub and your valuable feedback! It is always a great pleasure to get comments from you. I am glad you found the information useful.
Thanks and have a good day!
Bill Holland
7 years ago from Olympia, WA
We actually did this once using lemon juice, and it was very cleansing and did feel useful. We will try it again soon I'm sure.
Good information my friend. Thank you!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks Ericdierker, for your kind visit and feedback.
Have a good day!
Eric Dierker
7 years ago from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A.
Wonderful stuff to teach people. Cleansing is a great health routine
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks sarifearnbd, for visiting this hub and your valuable comments! I am glad you found the information useful!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks Seeker7, for reading this hub and your valuable comments. It is always a pleasure to get feedback from you, since you are so knowledgeable on topics related to health.
Thanks so much for your appreciation! Have a good day!
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks ignugent17, for reading this hub and your valuable comments! You are right, we must detoxify our bodies periodically. Even fasting once in a week helps a lot.
I am glad you liked the hub.
Shariful Islam
7 years ago from Bangladesh
This is so interesting and useful for myself and many others. Thank you for sharing.
Helen Murphy Howell
7 years ago from Fife, Scotland
This is a very interesting hub and I had no idea that there was so many ways to carry out detoxification. They are well worth a try, so many thanks for the advice and information.
Voted up!
7 years ago
I think I can do the 3 days fruits and vegetables. It is really true that once in a while we need to detoxify our bodies. We are eating too much processed food.
Thanks for sharing your ideas. :-)
Wiqar Ali Shah
7 years ago from Peshawar Pakistan
you most welcome ChitrangadaSharan in india you are from?
AUTHORChitrangada Sharan
7 years ago from New Delhi, India
Thanks wiqaralishah, for your visit and feedback. Good to know, few things about Pakistan.
Thanks again for your comments and support!][ ]Wiqar Ali Shah 
7 years ago from Peshawar Pakistan
tnks ChitrangadaSharan this thing is most popular in Pakistan personally i love it many time most use of this thing in my home in summer season, tnks for sharing voted up plz and keep it up ChitrangadaSharan.