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19. "Conga," (1985). Miami Sound Machinery. It introduced English speaking music lovers to hawaii Hispanic style that came to be percolating on the East coast for the last two tens of years. Gloria Estefan's clipped phrasing even gave the English lyrics a Spanish perception. She matched or even surpassed this achievement with "Oye Mi Canto" in 1989. World Music and Latin fusion are concepts that started to take their present form here.

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I mention, from a person to time, on what I feel is the need for a good ending track and how it can effect the overall feel from the album. You should have ten average songs, so the final track is a classic, record seems better, to the listener, posted. Or, you get ten killer songs alongside stinker for just about any finale, which can leave the listener along with a lower opinion than the overall body of work deserves. Here, you obtain a fine ending track, with "If Would not Tell On Me", that is a bouncy, infectious melody likewise let tend to keep in your mind. Good end to this disc.

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