How To Practice Ho 039;oponopono

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id="mod_826345">The Foundation
The foundational elements of the practice of Self I-dentity through Ho'oponopono are the four phrases:
I love You

I'm SorryPlease Forgive MeThank You
The practice is ongoing, in the beginning you might only remember to do it a few minutes out of every day. Later, and as you see your outside world changing - if you recognize the connection - your practice increases.

We clean for the memories we recognize and those whose origins are unknown. We take 100% responsibility for our actions, for the actions of others towards us and for everyone elses as well.

If the healing and clearing of limiting beliefs technique known as Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono is new to you - please read the article [ What is Ho'oponopono.]

It was my experience and that of others I am familiar with who struggled to see any type of outward effects after months of diligent practice there is a potential flaw in our practice.

Not a flaw in Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono and not a flaw in us -we are perfect. But it has become evident to me that if your learned pattern of reacting to unwanted or unpleasant thoughts and circumstances is to suppress them - you could be slowing down the cleansing process considerably if not all together halting it.

I came to recognize that certain personalities, those of us who tend to suppress our feelings are prone to blocking the benefits of Ho'oponopono.

It is important as you practice that you are observing your feelings, thoughts, deeds and actions. Observations of ill will, anger, frustration, dis-ease will warn you when you are responding from memory.

Of course inspired responses always make us feel good. Inspiration brings with it energy, focus and the ability to be in the present moment without effort.

It is easy to discern memory from inspiration.

After observation is where the suppressers need to be extra vigilent.

When you notice you are in memory - your first task is to ask your subconscsious what it is inside of you that has caused this reaction, response, feeling fill in the blank.

If an actual memory surfaces - you address it. Thank it for its presence and for its opinion. When I was finished writing about 10 pages of a little puppy cartoon that clearly came to me out of inspiration - I immediately had doubt and feelings of unworthiness creep in.

My little child, little Frannie as my coach calls her, started repeating memories of not being good enough. I believed her for about 12 hours - then, thinking I had set the memory free - I took action.

But, the dialogue in my head continued for several days. Clearly the memory was still playing. My suppression and strong arming the memory...pushing through to take action despite the noise was foolish and a waste of time.

I couldn't hear the next word to put down on paper with all that going on in my head. Stong arming your memories is no way to clear the channel between you and the devine.

So, if you are like me and prone to are warned!

Have a heart to heart with the memory and then kindly tell it to take a hike. Once you do that, and you may have to do it a few times...inspiration returns as the evidence of your successful memoryectomy!

Other Methods of Cleaning
I love you is my constant companion but there are other methods of cleaning - I have listed two below:

1. Ha - The Breath: inhale/hold/exhale/hold
[#mce_temp_url%23 2. I am the I - Prayer]

I come forth from the void into light,

I am the breath that nurtures life,

I am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,

The I, the Id, the All.

I draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,

The continuum of minds with matters.

I am the incoming and outgoing breath,

The invisible, untouchable breeze,

The undefinable atom of creation.

I am the I.

Morrnah's Prayer
Spirit, Superconscious, please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of (__________fill in the blank with your belief, feeling, thoughts________).

Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my being to this origin. Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God's truth.

Come through all generations of time and eternity. Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin.

Please do it according to God's will until I am at the present. Filled with light and truth.

God's peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions. Forgiveness of every person, place, circumstances and event which contributed to this, these feelings thoughts.

How To Practice Ho'oponopono Introduction Video

How To Release[ ]
Find out about the latest Ho'oponopono events, teaching and cleansing products direct from Dr. Hew and Mabel Katz.[ ]
Dr. Hew Len conducts classes and seminars on the teaching of Self Identity through Ho'oponopono. Through The Foundation of I, founded by Kahuna Morrnah Simeona, Dr.Hew Len carries on the message of peace, balance and understanding of the true self.[ ]
The Hawaiian Healing Academy holds a Seven Day Ho'opono Cleansing retreat once a year in various locations around the country. It includes a three day fast and incorporates meditation to connect with the source.[ ]
The Prosperity Whisperer, Fran Horvath, empath and spiritual leader facilitates your trip through higher consciousness. Free will is an illusion! Improve the quality of your life by shifting the programs that are shaping your experience. It is stunni

Why Practice Ho'oponopono
The practice of releasing erroneous memories has the real affect of improving the quality of life. Reducing stress, anxiety, confrontation and struggle are all natural outcomes of clearing negative or commonly referred to as "limiting beliefs".

The real benefit is the ability to flow through life with inspired energy and creativity. This can only happen from the result of a clear (or clearer than you were before) subconscious.

There are real life historical evidence of the impact our negative energy has on the world around us - you can read about one stunning example by googling the phrase St. Valentine's Day Massacre bricks.

The energy we give off - the energy which we vibrate from is a result of how clear our connection is to divinity. Clearing the limiting beliefs is a way to remove a layer of film from our eyes to allow us to see divinity a little clearer.

Life becomes a place of wonder and amazement when people, things and circumstances start showing up just as we need them to assist us in accomplishing the inspired goals we have.

When your connection to the divine gets clearer and clearer - the only people who show up in your life and there to help and encourage you. The customers and clients that you desire just show up without any particular "thing" you do.

The world around you changes as a result of your being rather than your doing anything. That makes life a lot more fun!

Mabel Katz Interviews Dr. Hew Len

Ho'oponopono - Forgiveness Ritual In Hawaii

Ho'oponopono[ Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More][ Buy Now] 
Ho'oponopono For Small Business Profits

Small Business and Ho'oponopono
As small business owners we each had dreams of what our lives would be like and specifically, how different they would be when we owned our own business.

So many of the reasons that drive us, freedom from "the man", the freedom to treat our clients the way we think they should be treated, to be creative...are a part of our everyday lives and businesses.

Other dreams and visions we held for our businesses, for many of us, just seemed to have faded away. We let them go...imagining them to be idealogical fantasies.

I am here to tell you that with this technique - all of the visions and dreams you had for your life and your business are a reality.

The only thing standing between you and the business success you once imagined are your limiting beliefs. Ho'oponopono can erase those erroneous beliefs and allow the prosperous life you dreamed of to become your new reality.

Zero Limits II Ho'oponopono Maui SeminarIhaleakala Hew Len and MeMe and Dr. Joe VitaleMe and Lisa Coltman, Sunfusion DesignsThe Sheraton Maui Resort, Location for Zero Limits II

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7 years ago
Morrnah's prayer is the same as Karol Truman's "script" in her book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die - copyright 1991. It would be good to cite - she's no longer alive by the way.

8 years ago
truely" love""

8 years ago
just been introduced to this method i'll try it and keep you updated........thank you

8 years ago
Simple yet inspiring explanation, Thank you, I love you.

9 years ago

Margaret Barton 
9 years ago
Love your site....where can I download a picture of the healing herb???
I love you, Thank you!

Leo Foster 
9 years ago
Excellent! Excelent!
If I understand correctly, that prayer belongs to Karol Truman, NOT the Kahuna teacher that came with the modern version of ho'opobopobo and taught Dr. Lee.
Besides that observation, you have done a GREAT job.
Thank you!
Leo F.

Shiryl Kaplan 
9 years ago
I have been practicing this method of cleaning for almost 2 years. Its been so amazing how things keep coming up for me to clean on. I have been given an opportunity to clean on my memories. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity in this life time to clean all this crap from my past. Thank you Dr. Hew Len. I love listening to your tapes on a regular basis.

9 years ago from Turkey Point, ON
Hi Fran.
I just finished listening to a recording by Joe Vitale about Ho...
I just had to do a Google search and low and behold...popped back to Hubpages. Go figure.
Joe was all secretive about cleansing methods and I find myself filled with a passion to learn everything about this.
Can you reveal any more advanced "cleaning" methods please?
Ps. I love you. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Thanks,
pss. Dam! I was going to write a hubpage about this and you beat me to it. Maybe I still will... since of course, your hubpage is merely a projection of me.;o)

Dorothy Biagioni 
9 years ago
Thank You for the great video.
The information is clear, filled with honesty and passion.
Thank You for sharing
In Peace and Light to All
Dorothy Biagioni

9 years ago
loved your clip on youtube, explains it in "everyday" terms. Nice job.

10 years ago from Syracuse, NY
I think these are the most powerful phrases anyone could ever utter. I bet that if everything was at its most worst possible scenario, you can never go wrong with these words.

AUTHORFran Horvath 
10 years ago from Universal
Mabel, thanks for visiting my hub. Hubbers everywhere are blessed to have you sharing your wisdom on Hubpages.
Click on Mabel's name to navigate to her hub(s). She is Ho'oponopono!

Mabel Katz 
10 years ago
A very interesting and inspiring article, thanks for sharing with us.

10 years ago from Ahmedabad, India
Excellent blog very well laid out indeed. I wish mine were as good as yours. Keep up the good work. Take a look a t mine and tell me what you think
Take care and have a happy life.

10 years ago
Although I can't understand English well,the web is greatFeliciaRossi (talk)

10 years ago from Pittsburgh, Tampa, Austin
Great hub on Ho Oponopono!
Seeing you with my friends Lisa and Joe makes me miss Texas.
Thank you for sharing.
I love you.
Twenty Twenty

10 years ago
I really like your articles and i wish i could have the inspirations u have.In fact, I wish to create a friendship with u but i no not what to do to win your friendship.Help me .

Kimberly Bunch 
10 years ago from EAST WENATCHEE
Great info! Here's one for good measure: [ ][ ]Teri Isner 
12 years ago
I loved the I am the I prayer the affirmations are wonderful. Also like the jet lag tip.
Thanks for sharing this with us.